Sunday, 13 October 2019

7 Plants That Keep Negativity Away From Home

In addition to decorating and perfuming the home, some species have the power to attract good energy and ward off negativity. We listed 7 of them - check it out!

7 Plants That Keep Negativity Away From Home

That the house is much more beautiful with a set of little plants, we know. And that the various aromas bring the environments to life, too. The novelty here is that some species are cultivated in order to expel the negative energies that can reach our homes, lightening the air and attracting positivity.

While some believe that the healing power of plants is but superstition, others have actually introduced this alternative into their lives in search of good vibrations.

If you are one of these and want to live far away from any trace of negativity, check out the list of seven plants that enhance our mood and ward off envy, the evil eye and the heavy energies of home!


Surrounded by mysticism, the rue is used by blessing in their prayers and in pots at the entrance of the house, to protect the energy of the place.

The plant is also known to ward off the evil eye and clean the environment, eliminating the harsh climate. When their leaves wither, they are said to have died fighting the negative vibrations of the environment.

Pepper shaker

Another plant that dries after absorption of negative energy is the pepper tree. With its lush colors and strong aromas, the plant repels bad fluids and protects the home from envious people.


A great option for cleaning low-frequency fluids is rosemary. While the envy fades away, the plant also betrays sincere love and happiness. In addition, its essential oils stimulate brain activity and increase alertness.


Known as the "plant of couples", jasmine has, besides a sweet fragrance, the power to help in the spiritual field. Strengthens and spice up relationships and restores optimism and vitality. If you decide to grow it in your home, position it in a south-facing window.


Cacti are believed to have the ability to absorb electromagnetic energy from electrical equipment,  purify environments and ward off malicious people.

In addition, its exotic ornamentation is a great way to decorate that corner of your home that has not received special attention.

Peace lily

Like the cactus, the peace lily cleans electromagnetic waves from electronic devices and purifies the air, helping to combat bad thoughts and balance the environment.


The thyme combat negative energy and purifies the environment, and improve sleep and self-esteem. It is also believed that the plant protects the house and its residents.

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